Please be patient with staff as they continue to clean up the neighborhoods. To help our staff please follow the below guidelines for debris pick up.
If your debris is placed in the below location, that indicates to City crews that it’s ready to be picked up. If it’s not ready for pick up, please keep on your private property.
- Place debris in front of the house near the roadway curb.
- All limbs, palm fronds, etc. need to be cut no larger than 4ft x 4in
- Brush piles should not exceed 4 ft in height and no longer than 8ft in length
- DO NOT place debris near trees, poles, fire hydrants, utility boxes, or other structures that make debris removal difficult.
- DO NOT place debris in alleyways or on sidewalks.
- DO NOT place debris in the street or block roadways.
If you hired a contractor to do work indoors or outdoors it is their responsibility to take the debris with them. The City will not pick up construction material including cement, pilings, paint, or chemicals. These items can be taken to the Pinellas Solid Waste facility: