2-24-21 BOC Workshop Meeting Notes

Posted on March 3, 2021

BOC Meeting Notes

Notes form the City Manager


Disclaimer: The official minutes of the meeting will be written by the City Clerk and attached to the agenda of the next regular BOC meeting. These notes are based on what is said in the meeting and you may want to read all the attachments in the agenda and the meeting minutes to get the official story.

Item 4. A.: Update on derelict vessel agreement with Pinellas County and the Sheriff’s Department

  • Deputy Ficocelli mentioned Tropical Storm Eta washed up several vessels. Each vessel on the seawall by Tom Stuart Causeway has been investigated and, charges have been forwarded to the State Attorney Office to have them removed. He cannot remove the vessels until court case is closed and he receives a disposition as it is still evidence. Several other vessels are in the same pattern in the East of the bay, no disposition yet. State has a program to take care of the cost with the state and will try to obtain restitution with the owner when possible to recoup costs. Due to COVID, misdemeanor cases such as derelict boats, have been backlogged causing delay in removal.
  • Current live-aboards are doing so lawfully according to state statute. They are inspected if there is a complaint to make sure they are in compliance. The Sheriff’s General Council Office at this time has told deputies to put a hold on enforcing city ordinance regarding live-aboards.
  • City Manager and City Attorney will look into why the Deputies are not enforcing the ordinance with the Sheriff’s General Council.

Item 4. B.: Amendment to Code of Ordinances- Appointment of Planning Commission members

  • Consensus is to go forward with Ordinance language change specifying a preference for appointments to have certain occupancies.
  • Ordinance is already written by City Attorney and will be ready for first reading at the March 10th, 2021 Regular BOC Meeting.

Item 4. C.:     RFP 20-10, Athletic Field Lighting

  • Enter into negotiations with the top three ranked companies. Will start with #1, if that falls through will go to the next in line
  • Companies were ranked as follows, used electric savings for ranking:
    • #1 NGU/Ephesus- 61.75%
    • #2 MGay Construction- 55.37%
    • #3 Himes Electric- 55.37%
  • LED lights would need to be refreshed about every 25 years rather than the current lights which need to be replaced every 2-3 years
  • Goal is to get contract under $330,000. If we cannot achieve with #1 ranked company will move to second and so on.
  • Possible reimbursement grant with Visit St. Pete Clearwater, is available.
  • Approved to go forward and report back at a future meeting.

Item 4. D.: Pinellas County School Board Joint Use Agreement

  • 5 year agreement for use of Madeira Beach Fundamental Facilities and Bicentennial Park
  • With agreement there is no cost for facility use unless there is a hard cost involved.
  • BOC suggestion to change the language in contract to include city special events for use, mainly for parking purposes.
  • Approved to go forward to the March 10th, 2021 BOC Meeting.

Item 4. E.: Update on defining accessory structures & hedges

  • Working on fixing inconsistencies in ordinance
  • BOC suggestion to look into setbacks, seawall to house.
  • BOC suggestion allow greenery (including hedges) to grow naturally with no height maximum.
  • BOC suggestion fence height up to 4 ft (solid or open)
  • Staff to bring forward background and what other communities have done at a future workshop.

Item 4. F.: Short-term rental processes, violations and fines

  • BOC suggestion Steeper fines for violators
  • Currently 1st violation is a $93 ticket from Sheriffs. 2nd violation will go to the Special Magistrate with a potential find up to $250/day, repeat offender will have another Special Magistrate meeting and can be fined up to $500/day. Special Magistrate will look at evidence and rule what the fine will be. Staff has no input on ruling other than proving evidence.
  • State is looking to take over regulations on short-term rentals
  • City Attorney suggestion that there is a company that will look at short-term rentals and, advertisements to see who is in violation, for a fee.
  • BOC suggestion to look into FY 2022 budget and try to incorporate this company.

Item 4. G.: Sign Ordinance

  • Currently murals are allowed with permits but cannot include lettering. If they have lettering it then becomes a sign and would have to follow sign parameters
    • In the case of Caddy’s the mural had lettering which turned it into a sign and they needed to come into compliance with sign ordinance parameters.
  • Staff suggestion to separate city into districts and simplify code.
  • When sign is permitted, and staff will advise what codes they need to follow. IE if a sign is put up in 2013 they follow 2013 sign codes
    • Can replace/repair base of the sign but if entire sign needs to be replaced they will have to come into compliance with current codes.
  • BOC suggestion to consider limiting advertisement signage on buildings

Item 4. H.: Beach Chair Contract

  • City has a contracted chair rental company.
  • There are other companies who city has issued a business license that does not have a contract with city.
  • Confusion about County Park, Pinellas County owns the parking lot but Madeira Beach owns the beach
  • Currently there is a vendor at the park who claims they have a contract with the county. City Manager placed a public records request for contract but has nothing yet.
  • Some condos do own beach to waterline and are allowed to contract with vendors on their property only.
  • BOC suggestion to look into taking over County Park parking lot so there is no confusion and to make sure condos are staying in their property line with vendor.

Item 4. I.: Public Works Director Position

  • Some Commissioners recommended recruit of Dave Marsicano for Public Works Director
  • The Vice-Mayor requested Megan Wepfer be promoted as Interim Director
  • Release Jamie Aherns immediately

Additional Comments: Property City is looking into purchasing

  • BOC suggests looking into Auto Garage on 150th as possible public works building and might have additional room for high & dry

Next BOC Meeting will be March 10th, 2021 in the Patricia Shontz Chamber:

  • 5:45 pm- Board of Commissioners Agenda Setting Meeting
  • 6:00 pm- Board of Commissioner Regular Meeting
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