Disclaimer: The official minutes of the meeting will be written by the City Clerk and attached to the agenda of the next regular BOC meeting. These notes are based on what is said in the meeting and you may want to read all the attachments in the agenda and the meeting minutes to get the official story. Hopefully, if I missed a nuance or the whole point of the discussion, someone will respond and this can be corrected.
Item 4. A.: Approval of the Minutes
- Motion to approve made by Commissioner Price, Commissioner Hodges second. Minutes approved unanimously.
Item 5. D.: Appointment of Vice-Mayor
- Mayor Hendricks made a motion to appoint Commissioner Price, Commissioner Hodges second. Approved unanimously.
Item 6.: Approval of the Agenda
- Motion to approve made by Commissioner Andrews, Commissioner Hodges second. Agenda approved unanimously.
Item 9.: Ordinance No. 2021-03, Purchasing Police Amendment to Code of Ordinances- 1st Reading and Public Hearing
- Motion to Pass Ordinance to 2nd reading by Commissioner Andrews, Commissioner Hodges second. Approved to go to 2nd reading unanimously.
Item 10.: Consent Agenda
- Motion to approve made by Vice-Mayor Price, Commissioner Andrews second. Consent Agenda approved unanimously.
Item 11. A.: Revisit Seawall Assessment
- Commissioner Andrews motioned to reconsider previous vote, Commissioner Hodges second. Motion approved 3-2.
- Commissioner Andrews motioned to table to the next workshop, Commissioner Hodges second. Motion approved unanimously.
Item 11. B.: Palm Street Property
- Mayor Hendricks would like to investigate purchasing the Old Madeira Beach Auto Garage as a site of Public Works and future parking for the Town Center.
- Commissioner Price made motion to move all acquisitions to workshop, Hudson second. Motion approved unanimously.
Item 14.: Agenda Setting Workshop- Items to be added to agenda below:
- Beach Tractor Purchase
- Amendment to Code of Ordinances- Garbage Collection Policy
- Old Madeira Beach Garage Site & Palm Street Appraisal
- Amendment to the BOC Policy Handbook
- Seawall Assessment
- Requirements for Public Works Director
- Election Bank Accounts
- Fireworks
Item 15. A: City Manager Staff Report
- Correction to be made for the City Manager’s Report regarding the Sheriff’s Deputies code enforcement cases. Will update as soon as possible.
- Beach Chair Contract- City Manager working on enforcing the city wide contract.
- Researching County Park Parking lot and Beach area
- Received County Park Beach Chair Vendor contract from County
- Setting up meeting with County Administrator
- Other Vendors will receive a letter regarding staying in private beach area and not driving on the beach.
- Condos will also be receiving a letter to inform them of the City Wide contract and any vendors will need to stay in private area.
- Commissioner Andrews mentioned county and the city went into an agreement (date unknown) that the city would get a portion of the parking revenue from County Park parking lot. County asked for an indemnification regarding insurance, city refused and county stripped city of all involvement with the park in 2007 or 2008.
- Commissioner Andrews recommends suspension of payment from Saltwater Destinations until other chair vendor issues are resolved.
- Would like to place on workshop for further discussion
- Mayor would like City Manager to get with County to find out where we stand and pursue getting Saltwater Destination all areas of public beach if they would like to expand. Would like City Manager to talk with condo associations to make sure they know who Saltwater Destinations is and the condo’s perimeters for their private beach if any.
- Vice-Mayor price would like to see more sales reporting on the Marina section of the City Manager Report
Item 15. B.: Finance Staff Report
- Budget Process
- Funds are now able to be viewed online by public: https://madeirabeachfl.aclarian.com/
- All funds but 3 are in the positive
- Archibald Fund
- Sanitation Fund
- Stormwater Fund
- New Budget Process
- Will utilize software for make the process more seamless
- Department heads will have the only access to change items in their budget.
- Once an item is changed in a budget items that are affected by the change will automatically be updated within that fund.
- All funds but 3 are in the positive
- Funds are now able to be viewed online by public: https://madeirabeachfl.aclarian.com/
Item 16. B.: City Attorney Report
- Library Agreement update
- Received comments from Treasure Island and Redington Beach. Still waiting on response from Redington Shores.
- If no response soon, agreement will be submitted to the Big C with a note that Redington Shores did not respond with any comments.
Next Meeting March 24th, 6:00pm located in the Patricia A Shontz Chamber at City Hall.