Category: City News

155th Beach Access Closed- Oct. 11th

One October 11th, crews will be at repairing the 155th beach access. The area will not be accessible to any vehicles or foot traffic which will take about 5-7 hours due to road work. Thank you for your patience while crews fix the road!

Gulf Lane Milling & Resurfacing Starting Oct. 9

GULF LANE PROJECT Starting Monday, Oct. 9th- Keystone Excavators will be mobilizing for the Gulf Lane milling and resurfacing for the next 120 days. The Project will consist of Installing 600 feet of pervious concrete, new curb, and milling and resurfacing Gulf Lane and beach access from 135th to Johns Pass Park. Staging area for … Continued

Shore Stabilization, Project ID 006241A

Post Hurricane Idalia Emergency Shore Stabilization, Project ID 006241A The City of Madeira Beach and Pinellas County Government need sand property owners to sign a TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT to allow for the County to begin restoring the dunes. City staff will be contacting those property owners right away as time is of the urgency to … Continued

Pinellas County Emergency Erosion Control Project

Emergency Erosion Control Project Pinellas County is initiating construction of dunes and sand-filled erosion control devices in response to the critical erosion caused by Hurricane Idalia. The active project area will move strategically along the coast as County teams have triaged the damage and will work on the most critical areas first.

Fitness Center Now Open For Madeira Beach Residents

Madeira Beach Fitness Center Information The Madeira Beach Fitness Center is now accessible to Madeira Beach residents. You can visit the Fitness Center on weekdays during the following hours: Registration Information Registration Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 9am – 12pm Location for Registration: Madeira Beach Recreation Center, 200 Rex Place, Madeira Beach Requirements for Registration Bring … Continued

Board Member Vacancies

The City of Madeira Beach has a couple vacancies on the Civil Service Commission and the Planning Commission, please see below for openings and application. Civil Service Commission– Two seats expiring October 30th, 2023 Planning Commission– One seat expiring September 30, 2023 Click here to apply! 

Pinellas County Insurance Claim Webinar

Pinellas Update: Pinellas County, local insurance experts to host hurricane insurance claim webinar Monday    Latest incident developments   Panelists will review tips for properly assessing risk, available insurance policies, responsibilities after a loss, properly documenting storm damage, and managing the claims process.  The webinar will be on Monday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m.  Registration is required … Continued

Hurricane Idalia Debris Pick Up

DEBRIS PICK UP Please be patient with staff as they continue to clean up the neighborhoods. To help our staff please follow the below guidelines for debris pick up. DEBRIS PLACEMENT If your debris is placed in the below location, that indicates to City crews that it’s ready to be picked up. If it’s not … Continued

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