Category: City News
Building Department Letter of Thanks!
Thank you Rose Building Contractors, Inc. for the nice compliments of the Building Department! “I am very proud of our team, all of them. They all work very hard at what they do to make our building department and our customers very successful as they don’t get much outside recognition for it.”- Frank DeSantis, CBO, … Continued
Last Debris Pick Up- Hurricane Ian
Sanitation will be doing a final round of Brush Pick Up for Hurricane Ian debris. After Wednesday, October 5th, there may be a charge for large items and brush piles. Please see below for more details: Cut all limbs, palm fronds, etc. no larger than 4ft in length by 4in. in diameter. Brush piles should … Continued
Madeira Beach Reopens post Hurricane Ian
HURRICANE IAN MESSAGE FROM THE CITY MANAGER: The City of Madeira Beach welcomes back our residents and businesses. Thank you for heeding the hurricane orders designed to ensure the safety of all. Also, thank you to our first responders, Madeira Beach Fire Station 25 and all the PCSO deputies for their tireless efforts these past … Continued
MANDATORY EVACUATION HURRICANE IAN EVACUATION NOTICE: Effective 6:00pm today, all residents in Evacuation Zone A will be under MANDATORY EVACUATION orders. This will include ALL OF MADEIRA BEACH. Evacuations Zones B & C will be effective tomorrow starting at 7:00am. All residential healthcare facilities will be under mandatory evacuation starting today. Important Pinellas County Number to Keep on … Continued
MANDATORY EVACUATION NOTICE Pinellas County has issued a Mandatory Evacuation for Madeira Beach. This means starting at about 7:00am tomorrow you will not be able to get back on the island even with an emergency access permit. You can leave the Island but highly unlikely you will be able to get back on the island … Continued
Mad Beach Amphibious Trash Round Up
Join us for the Mad Beach Amphibious Trash Round Up during the Madeira Beach Nautical Flea Market, Saturday, September 17th! Captains Q&A Meeting Friday, September 16th 6:30pm at the Madeira Beach Rec Center: 200 Rex Place
Hurricane Preparedness Month
Did you know September is peak hurricane season? It is has been quiet so far but that doesn’t mean hurricane season is over! September is Florida Preparedness Month! You can prepare for disasters by having a plan in place for your household or business, and we have resources to help you do it. Develop your … Continued
Learn about Red Tide
We get a lot of questions on red tide, MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife has put out a great video on red tide! Check it out below: