The Building and Community Development Staff have been working tirelessly to get out Substantial Damage letters and push permits. Please see an update of permitting numbers since Sept. 27th. SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE LETTERS: 📍 Total Determination Notifications Sent: 786 PERMITS: 📍 Applications Submitted: 1602 📍 Permits Under Review: 659 📍 Permits Issued: 939 January Building Permitting … Continued
Time is running out to get hurricane recovery funding. See below for details and deadlines: FEMA Disaster Assistance- Application Due Jan. 7th Immediate assistance for housing, food, water, first aid, prescriptions, transportation, etc. More info here: Pinellas County Hurricane Home Repair Program- Must apply to FEMA by Jan. 7th Assistance for storm repairs not … Continued
The Building and Community Development Staff have been working tirelessly to get out Substantial Damage letters and push permits. Please see an update of permitting numbers since Sept. 27th. Reminder, Monday, January 6th our Building Department Staff will be available to ask questions from 11am to 3:30pm. Can’t make it on the 6th? Click here … Continued
Staff is working hard to push inspections, perform damage assessments, send out letters, and approve permits. We know folks have questions and we have dedicated some time to get in person help with permits during the times below. Location: 📌 City Hall Commission Chamber, 2nd floor 300 Municipal Dr. Time: ⏰11:00am to 3:30pm (unless posted … Continued
Time is running out to get hurricane recovery funding. See below for details and deadlines: FEMA Disaster Assistance- Application Due Jan. 7th Immediate assistance for housing, food, water, first aid, prescriptions, transportation, etc. More info here: Pinellas County Hurricane Home Repair Program- Must apply to FEMA by Jan. 7th Assistance for storm repairs not … Continued
The Building and Community Development Staff have been working tirelessly to get out Substantial Damage letters and push permits. Please see an update of permitting numbers since Sept. 27th. Reminder, Monday, our Building Department Staff will be available to ask questions from 11am to 3:30pm. Start the Permit Process: Hurricane Recovery Funding:…/ SUBSTANTIAL … Continued
Time is running out to get hurricane recovery funding. See below for details and deadlines: FEMA Disaster Assistance- Application Due Jan. 7th Immediate assistance for housing, food, water, first aid, prescriptions, transportation, etc. More info here: Pinellas County Hurricane Home Repair Program- Must apply to FEMA by Jan. 7th Assistance for storm repairs not … Continued
Our Building Official will be available to answer questions during open office hours! See below for all open office hours for Dec. & Jan: 📌 Mon. Dec. 30th 📌 Mon. Jan. 6th 📌 Wed. Jan. 8th 📌 Sat. Jan. 11th 📌 Mon. Jan. 13th Rebuild Permit information: Elevate Florida Program:
The Building and Community Development Staff have been working tirelessly to get out Substantial Damage letters and push permits. Please see an update of permitting numbers since Sept. 27th. Start the Permit Process: SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE LETTERS: 📍 Total Determination Notifications Sent: 402 PERMITS: 📍 Applications Submitted: 1338 📍 Permits Under Review: 448 📍 … Continued
Final debris pick up is happening now! Make sure debris is pushed to the curb by Dec. 18th to ensure it will be picked up on Dec. 19th. Make sure BLACK bags are SLASHED, the monitor needs to record what is inside. Hazardous materials will be picked up with the final pass. Keep piles away … Continued