Our Building Official will be available to answer questions during open office hours on Wednesday, Dec. 18th and Saturday, Dec. 21st! See below for all open office hours for the remainder of the year: 📌 Dec. 16th 📌 Dec. 18th 📌 Dec. 21st 📌 Dec. 23rd 📌 Dec. 30th Rebuild Permit information: https://madeirabeachfl.gov/hurricane-helene-remodel-permit-documents/ Apply for … Continued
Solid Waste is hosting a Household Chemical Collection Event on December 14, 2024 at 29582 US Hwy 19 N. in Clearwater. For accepted items, quantity limits, and hours, visit Pinellas.gov/household-chemical-collection or call (727) 464-7500. 1. Before the event: a. Place items in vehicle trunk, back of pick-up truck, rear of SUV or hatchback, or … Continued
The Florida Division of Emergency Management is excited to announce Florida’s first Statewide Residential Mitigation Program, Elevate Florida. The goal of this program is to enhance community resilience by mitigating private residences against natural hazards. Eligible Project Types This project types are eligible under the Statewide Residential Mitigation Program. Structure Elevation: Structure elevation activities generally … Continued
Heads Up, Permitting Open Office Hours has been moved to Thursday, Dec. 12th this week. Please see below for a full list of open office hours for the rest of the year. Rebuild Permit information: https://madeirabeachfl.gov/hurricane-helene-remodel-permit-documents/ Apply for a Permit here: https://www.mgoconnect.org/cp/portal
Have permitting questions? Check out our open office hours below including some Saturdays. Crews are working hard to push out permits but have these dedicated hours to help residents in person to fill out their permits. Rebuild Permit Information: https://madeirabeachfl.gov/hurricane-helene-remodel…/
The Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber has spent the last two months after hurricanes Helene and Milton selling #StillShining shirts and taking donations to go towards hospitality workers who’s jobs have been impacted because of the storms. We are excited to finally announce that we will be distributing these funds: GIVING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD, 10 a.m.-12 … Continued
The City of Madeira Beach Facilities will be closed Nov. 28th and 29th in observance of Thanksgiving. Sanitation will not pick up tomorrow, those who typically get picked up on Thursday will be picked up on Friday, Nov. 29th. Debris Pick Up has paused for Thanksgiving. They will resume the last pass of debris pick … Continued
The Building and Community Development Staff have been working tirelessly to get out Substantial Damage letters and push permits. Please see an update of permitting numbers since Sept. 27th. Start the Permit Process: https://madeirabeachfl.gov/hurricane-helene/ PERMITS: 📍 Applications Submitted: 1121 📍 Permits Under Review 916 (818 are Demo Interior Permits) 📍 Permits Issued: 205 … Continued
The application deadline for hurricanes #Milton and #Helene has been extended to Jan. 7, 2025. Homeowners and renters can apply for assistance by visiting DisasterAssistance.gov, using the FEMA App, or calling 800-621-3362. Applications will need to be filled out for each storm if there is damage.