Category: City News

First Sea Turtle Nest of 2020 Appears on Madeira Beach

MADEIRA BEACH, FL – This season’s first sea turtle nest was discovered earlier today on Madeira Beach between the beach access points at 131st Ave. and 132nd Ave. Sea turtle nesting season started on Friday, May 1st. The nest was discovered before dawn by volunteers who walk the beach before sunrise and was cordoned off … Continued

Madeira Beach Is Open!

Madeira Beach – Madeira Beach, the sand, City Hall, and most of the business community reopened this morning after six long weeks of isolation following a Safer at Home order issued by Pinellas County on April 3rd. The directive was designed to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Beaches reopened at 7 a.m., City … Continued

Crystal Island Roadway & Stormwater Improvement Project

Project Timeline and Updates June 22 – July 10, 2020: All of Crystal Island • Slow Down In Work Zones! • No parking on streets project wide • Keep children away from work areas John’s Pass Ave. June 22-26 • Storm System – John’s Pass – 546/549 to 568/571 • Finish Base – 538/541 to … Continued

Welcome to our future website!

Welcome to our future website! As you can see, there’s not much here yet, however, true to the principles of the U.S. Digital Services Playbook, we’ve launched this test site (what we call ‘Alpha’), so we can build openly, iteratively and collaboratively with our community. Phases There are three phases to our official launch: Alpha: … Continued

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