February was a busy month for Madeira Beach. We are seeing several projects in the final stages and others starting. The first is the Crystal Island Roadway Improvement project which is entering the final stages of the last layer of pavement being ready for application and the touch-up and restoration work moving forward. The project should be completed in April. The next is CADY’s which received their Certificate of Occupancy and the Tom and Kitty Stuart Park renovations are slated for a opening on March 4, 2021. The Delmar project 1st street east is nearing completion and the Harbor Condominium project next to the Cambria Hotel has restarted construction. On the planning side the Schooner Project should be under review of the Planning Commission and the BOC starting in the end of March and April.
The staff has had some changes at City Hall as well. Public Works Director Jamie Ahrens is leaving us on March 5, 2021 and we welcome a new Building Inspector/Building Official, Brian Vick. With Mr. Vick as an addition to our Building Department, we envision greater continuity in conducting inspections than using a private vendor for inspections, improved workflow, and a quicker turn around on permits. Our Sanitation Division has received the new Broyhill vehicle which will allow the collection of larger trash cans on the beach, which will be an improvement with Spring Break on the Horizon.
On the COVID-19 front, our County has been decreasing the positivity rate in February and as of this writing, we are nearing the 5% number. I again want to stress a few things. We are not out of danger yet. I know of a few people who have come down with COVID so it is still here. We need to be patient. We don’t stop the race when we get close to the finish line. We must continue to Mask UP, socially distance, avoid large groups, and get vaccinated. The vaccination reservations definitely takes a little patience as we move through certain classifications for eligibility and obtaining an appointment. The most important item is to get vaccinated when you can.
City Building Official, Frank DeSantis reports that our redevelopment/economic development continues at a fast pace including several large condominium projects under plan review.
- The Madeira Bay Project (44 units) at 13101 Gulf Blvd. The side banks need to be re-graded to meet code. Waiting on as-builts and revised drainage calculations. NO CHANGE.
- The Madeira del Mar Condominiums project (13 units, 4-stories with two floors above parking) 15305 1st Street East. New pool permit issued, waiting on final storm drainage install at the rear of property. Landscaping, parking & pavers left. The project is at 95% completion.
- The Gulf Grille project. (Restaurant) 14080 Gulf Blvd. – The Certificate of Occupancy was issued last Friday. Kitty Stewart park finished. The perimeter fencing is being removed. A soft opening will be scheduled soon.
- The Harbor at Town Center Condominiums project 212 150TH Ave – The first and second floor concrete was poured last Saturday and this Wednesday. The project is at 15% completion.
- The Holiday Isles projects –
- 555 150th Ave. (Hampton Inn Hotel) – NO CHANGE Overall progress is still at 1%. Permit has been extended to 4-5-2021, per Executive Order 20-52.
- 565 150th Ave. (31-unit residential condo building) – Permit has been approved and is awaiting pick up by contractor. NO CHANGE.
- City Hall Generator Structure, 300 Municipal Drive – The generator & structure are complete. The project is at 100% completion. I will work with Karen on submittals of final docs to FEMA in supporting the grant funds.
- The Office Suite Downstairs – The interior wall studs are up including most of the M-E-P rough-ins completed. The project is ahead of schedule and estimated for completion by Mid-June.
Monthly Totals (02/01/2021 through 02/28/2021):
- Building Department:
- 81 different types of permits were issued.
- $35,076.89 Permit fees collected.
- $1,518,972.00 Permit estimated value or cost.
- 208 completed inspections (average 13 per day)
- Building Code Compliance & Residential Rental Inspections:
- 6 new code compliance cases were created.
- 9 code compliance cases being resolved.
- 31 open/outstanding code compliance concerns with the help of the Special Magistrate.
- 40+ rental units scheduled for March inspections.
- PCSO-Community Policing and Code Enforcement (MUNIS).
- 4 new code compliance cases were opened.
- 3 existing code compliance cases were resolved.
- 33 code compliance cases remain open.
- PCSO-ACISS Cases (Activities that generate case #’s)
- Deputy Moren, 77 cases
- Deputy Snyder, 74 cases
Revenue as of February 22, 2021, is $130,802.
Madeira Beach Citizens Academy has been postponed until further notice.
New resident passes are available at City Hall.
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) began their Public Protection Classification (PPC) survey of the Fire Department in September of 2020. During this process, ISO collected and evaluated information on our structure fire suppression capabilities. The data is analyzed using ISO’s Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) and a PPC grade is assigned to the community. The criteria is uniformed to all communities, incorporating nationally recognized standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association and the American Water Works Association. A community’s PPC grade depends on:
- Needed Fire Flows, which are representative building locations used to determine the theoretical amount of water necessary for fire suppression purposes.
- Emergency Communications, including emergency reporting, telecommunicators, and dispatch system. This accounts for 10% of total classification.
- Fire Department, including equipment, staffing, training geographic distribution of fire companies, operational considerations, and community risk reduction. This accounts for 50% of the classification.
- Water Supply, including inspection and flow testing of hydrants, alternative water supply operations, and a careful evaluation of the amount of available water compared with the amount needed to suppress fires up to 3,500 gpm. This accounts for 40% of the classification.
The PPC grade assigned to the community depends on the community’s score on a 100-point scale with a 1 – 10 rating in 10-point increments. Class 1 through Class 8 represents a fire suppression system that includes an FSRS credible dispatch center, fire department, and water supply. Class 9 and 10 lack in meeting the criteria.
After thorough review, ISO notified the City in late February that Madeira Beach Fire Department’s Public Protection Classification is a 2. Aside from having a piece of mind that you and your property is well protected, ISO’s PPC plays an important role in the underwriting process at insurance companies. Most U.S. insurers use the PPC information as part of their decision making when deciding what business to write, coverages to offer or prices to charge for personal or commercial property insurance.
Madeira Beach Fire Department takes pride in maintaining the highest standards of service and this classification recognized our efforts. In addition, our Department is very appreciative for the high standard of service and cooperative relationship between Pinellas County 911 Dispatch/Telecommunications and PC Utilities. They have a significant role in our response to emergencies as well as the overall ISO evaluation. Working together for the betterment of the communities we serve.
As of February 28, 2021, the Board of Commissioners have held 9 meetings in 2021. All meetings are open to the public. For January 2021, The Board held 5 meetings. The public can view meetings by webcast or on Spectrum Ch. 640 and public comment is accepted by email in advance of each meeting. Regularly scheduled meetings are held:
Board of Commissioners Meetings – City Hall, 300 Municipal Drive, Madeira Beach, FL 33708
Workshop Agenda Setting 2nd Wednesday @ 5:45 p.m.
Regular Meeting 2nd Wednesday @ 6 p.m.
Regular Workshop Meeting 4th Wednesday @ 6 p.m.
Meeting dates and times are subject to change due to holidays, etc.
The City of Madeira Beach will not be having an Election on March 9, 2021. During the Candidate qualifying period that began at NOON – Monday, December 7, 2020 and ended at NOON -Friday, December 18, 2020, only one Candidate filed and qualified for Commissioner District 3 and only one Candidate filed and qualified for Commissioner District 4. Those candidates are:
Doug Andrews (incumbent) | District 3 | Two-Year Term | $7,500 |
David “Dean” Hutson | District 4 | Two-Year Term | $7,500 |
Both candidates will be administered the Oath of Office at the Board of Commissioners Regular Commission Meeting to be held on March 10, 2021 at 6:00 p.m in the Patricia Shontz Commission Chambers located at 300 Municipal Drive, Madeira Beach, FL 33708. These candidates, once their oaths are administered, will attend their first meeting of the Board of Commissioners on the same date and time.
Social distancing and the wearing of masks are required at the meeting. The meeting will be aired on Public Access TV Spectrum Channel 640 and through the city’s website.
The marina staff is happy to announce the 10th Annual Great American Grunt Hunt will take place on May 15th. Details and registration information can be found at madeirabeachfl.gov/2021-grunt-hunt/.
With water temperatures steadily on the rise a ballet of nature is soon to take place in our coastal waters. An abundance of bait has already started showing up off the beach and will soon be followed by several hungry predatory species. Spanish Mackerel, Kingfish, Cobia, Sharks and Barracuda can be found cruising around bait pods on the beach and the nearshore reefs. Live bait will be your best bet and can be netted or caught on sabiki rigs. Spoons and plugs will get lots of strikes, be sure to match the lure to the size of the bait the fish are feeding on. In the passes, nearby flats and spoil islands Snook, Trout and Redfish will be more active due to the rising temperature and the arrival of bait. Good areas will have lots of bird activity and noticeable bait pods. Live chumming with pilchards can be extremely effective this time of year. Early morning and late evening can bring some awesome topwater action and is a very economical way to cover lots of water and save time catching bait. These next couple of months will be some of the best of the year so make an excuse to get out. Call in sick if you have too, I know I will.
Public Works and Sanitation staff have been training and working on implementation of the new Broyhill pack and load. The 96-gallon toters were received at the end of February and will be installed throughout the first couple of weeks in March. These new toters will be more aesthetically pleasing and cut down on the overflow of garbage.
Duke energy and FDOT are in the bid process for routine maintenance to the lighting and moveable parts of the Johns Pass Bridge. The project has been bid and the letting date is March 10th. The project will likely be awarded on March 31st.
Crystal Island Updates
Project is still on schedule to be completed by 3/2021.
- Storm
- All inlets and outfalls are in place and tied in.
- Curb:
- curbs are in place throughout the entire project area (Johns Pass Ave, Lillian Dr, Flamingo Dr and Crystal Dr).
- Roadway
- The first lift of asphalt is in place throughout the entire project area
- The final lift of asphalt (approximately 1.5”)is being install the week of March 1st and set for completion on March 5th before striping the road
- Restoration
- Concrete and Paver Driveway in progress.
- Irrigation and sod restoration in progress.
- City Inspector is keeping a detailed punch-list of items that need to be corrected/completed. The Contractor has begin working on the punch-list items.
The Recreation Department spent the month of February looking ahead at events and planning for a way to allow them to occur responsibly with COVID-19 in mind. That said, the Gulf Beaches Rotary Carnival will be returning to ROC Park after being cancelled in 2020. Occurring March 18-21, the Carnival will feature games, rides, food, fun and live music for the community to enjoy. To coincide with Pinellas County Event Policies, the event will maintain 2 entrances, where attendees will be temperature checked upon entry. In its 5th year with the City the Rotary Carnival will continue to help raise funds for local charities and the Recreation Department.
Youth athletics entered a transitional phase as well during the last month. Youth Basketball jumped into playoffs and will wrap up mid-March. At the same time, Youth Soccer and Youth Flag football registration opened up for the Spring Seasons. On the childcare side of things, Spring Break Camp is fast approaching with all the exciting field trips lined up and ready to go. At only $15 Residents / $20 Non-Residents a day, the Spring Break Camp is one of the most affordable and exciting opportunities in the area!
Below are some upcoming events and activities throughout Madeira Beach:
- Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 – Wednesday Morning Market on Madeira Way – 9:00am – 1:00pm
- Mar 6 – ‘Safe Distance’ Beach Clean – Up – 8:00am – 10:00pm
- Mar 12 – Movie In The Park – Karate Kid – 7:00pm – 9:00pm
- Mar 13 & 14 – City Wide Garage Sale – All Day
- Mar 18 – 21 – Gulf Beach Rotary Carnival – ROC Park
- Mar 27 & 28 – NSA Softball Tournament – ROC Park – All Day