City Managers Report- October 2020

Posted on November 4, 2020


Soon the sounds of the holidays will fill the air as we head into November of what has been a very trying year. I want to thank everyone for being diligent in this fight against the pandemic virus, COVID-19. I urge each of you to remain diligent taking precautions, wearing a mask, consistent hand washing, social distancing, avoiding crowds, and getting a flu shot. The flu shot is important because both the flu and COVID-19 are viruses and the symptoms can be similar. If a person has had a flu shot, the flu can be eliminated as a cause for the symptoms.

With that being said, November will start some of our normal events. On November 7, 2020, King of the Beach Fishing Tournament will be held at R.O.C. Park and the Recreation Center, in a smaller format than normal and practicing social distancing. Please check the Old Salts website for more information. On November 14, 2020, the Veteran’s Boat Parade will start from the American Legion at 10 a.m., and end at the City of Madeira Beach Marina with R.O.C. Park as a perfect place to watch the parade.

Additionally, there will be some changes with parking on Madeira Way. The parking spaces along the east side of the roadway will have a 90-minute parking limitation to assist the businesses with available parking in front of their stores. There are problems with beach patrons using the free parking and this change will hopefully keep the spaces available for business patrons. Also, the beach access at Tom and Kitty Stuart Park should be open after the pouring of the concrete slab for the bathrooms in the SW corner of the park. The park itself will probably be reopened in January or February of 2021.


BUILDING OFFICIAL(S)- DEVELOPMENT REPORT- (October 2020 – 10/1/2020 to 10-27-2020)

City Building Official, Frank DeSantis reports that our redevelopment/economic development continues at a fast pace including several large condominium projects under plan review.

  • The Madeira Bay Project (44 units) at 13101 Gulf Blvd. The side banks need to be re-graded to meet code. Waiting on as-builts and revised drainage calculations. NO CHANGE.
  • The Madeira del Mar Condominiums project (13 units, 4-stories with two floors above parking) 15305 1stStreet East.  Parapets are complete. All trades rough-ins, roof dry-in, window & exterior door installation, and stucco to start this week and next. No easement agreement with Duke as of yet. The project is at 79% completion.
  • The Gulf Grille project. (Restaurant) 14080 Gulf Blvd. – On site sewer and water continues. The beach access has been re-opened with temporary barriers for safety prior to railing install on 10-30-20. The concrete slab for the restroom trailer to be poured 10-29-20 with the restroom unit scheduled for delivery and set up on 11-2-20. The unit will not be available for public use at that time. Framing is complete, trade roughs are to be complete by end of week. The project is at 88% completion.
  • The Harbor at Town Center Condominiums project 212 150TH Ave – The foundation permit is complete and closed. Plan review for the building is complete and the permit is scheduled for pick up in approx. 2 weeks.
  • The Holiday Isles projects –
    • 555 150th Ave. (Hampton Inn Hotel) – NO CHANGE Overall progress is still at 1%. Permit has been extended to 4-5-2021, per Executive Order 20-52.
    • 565 150th (31 unit residential condo building) – Permit has been approved and is awaiting pick up by contractor.
  • City Hall Generator Structure, 300 Municipal Drive – The podium slab, steel columns, metal framing and dens-glass are complete. Generator is scheduled for delivery & placement in 2 weeks with City Hall parking lot needing to be closed for the crane. City Hall power is tentatively slated to be down mid-November for approx. 3 days to re-do the wiring from the main distribution panel to the transfer switch. This will occur on a Friday evening through Sunday night with the Building Official being onsite to release power. Coordination will be with Frank as date becomes clearer. The project is at 85% completion.

Monthly Totals (27 days only, 10-1-20 through 10-27-20):

  • The Building Department totals for the month to date were:
    • 82 different types of permitswere issued
    • $39,633 Permit fees collected
    • $1,541,482 Permit estimated value or cost
    • 224 completed inspections (average 14 per day)
  • On the Code Compliance side;
    • 2 new code compliance cases were created
    • 6 code compliance cases being resolved
    • 30 open/outstanding code compliance concerns with the help of the Special Magistrate.
  • PCSO-Community Policing and Code Enforcement processed;
    • 4 new code compliance cases were opened
    • 7 existing code compliance cases were resolved
    • 37 code compliance cases remain open
  • The Residential Rental Inspection program processed;
    • 126 Inspections scheduled for November through February.

*Starting to schedule inspections Oct. 5 for all those that have paid their inspection fee and business tax



October was Fire Prevention Month, Mayor Hendricks proclaimed October 4 – 10 as Fire Prevention Week in Madeira Beach, encouraging all residents to embrace this year’s theme of “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen.”

Madeira Beach Fire Department wants to share safety tips to keep you from having a cooking fire.

  • Never leave cooking food unattended. Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling or broiling. If you have to leave, even for a short time, turn off the stove.
  • If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling food, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you’re cooking.
  • You have to be alert when cooking. You won’t be alert if you are sleepy, have taken medicine or drugs, or consumed alcohol that makes you drowsy.
  • Always keep an oven mitt and pan lid nearby when you’re cooking. If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan to smother the flame. Turn off the burner, and leave the pan covered until it is completely cool.
  • Have a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet around the stove and areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried.

In recent years, during the Thanksgiving holiday, emergency services have experienced an uptick in calls for serious injuries, burns and accidents from frying turkeys. Every year deep-fryer fires are responsible for five deaths, 60 injuries, 900 home fires, and more than $15-million in property damage. Do plenty of research and preparation prior to frying your turkey.  Pick a flat/leveled spot away from a structure, make sure your turkey is completely defrosted.  Have near you, safety items such as eye wear, non-flammable clothing, and a grease rated fire extinguisher.  Keep kids and pets away, and never leave the fryer unattended.

As the holidays and cooler weather approach we will have additional hazards in our home. Holiday decorations, space heaters, or fresh Christmas trees, all have the potential of becoming a fire starter. Having working smoke & carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house is very important.

Did You Know?

  • Smoke alarms detect and alert people to a fire in the early stages. Smoke alarms can mean the difference between life and death in a fire.
  • Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a home fire in half.
  • Install smoke alarms in every sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of the home, including the basement.
  • Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button. The National Fire Protection Association reports that 71% of smoke alarms which failed to operate had missing, disconnected or dead batteries. This reinforces how important it is to take this time each year to check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Make sure everyone in the home understands the sound of the smoke alarm and knows how to respond.

Sunday, November 1, 2020 is Daylight Savings Time. MBFD recommends you replace old batteries with fresh, high quality batteries to keep your smoke alarms ready to protect you!  Change Your Clock  – Change Your Battery!    Happy Holidays and Stay Safe!


With the cooler weather in the air and the holiday season approaching, there are numerous boating and fishing options available.

One great option for the entire family is all our local boat parades. We have several different parades in our area that you can participate in, or just sit back relax and enjoy the show. Saturday November 14th, we have the 24th Annual Veterans Boat Parade. The opening ceremonies begin at 9:30 A.M. at the Madeira Beach American Legion post #273. The parade then travels south through Madeira Beach and into Johns Pass and ends in Treasure Island.

Our Festival of Lights Boat Parade has become a local favorite and has grown quite a bit in the last 53 years. That’s right, this year marks the 54th Annual Festival of Lights Boat Parade! If you have ever participated in the parade you understand the absolute joy and happiness the event brings to the community. If you have never participated in the parade you will never forget it. This event is truly something special. The parade beings at dark on Saturday December 12th behind the American Legion just north of the Tom Stuart Causeway and travel through the Madeira Beach Canals and ends at Johns Pass. Everyone is welcome to participate or attend.

For more information please contact your Madeira Beach Municipal Marina anytime at 727-399-2631. Thank you and enjoy the paradise we live in.



Public Works has a lot of projects planned to begin in FY21. Early this month the City applied for a Cooperative Funding Initiative grant with the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) for a Watershed Management Plan. The City has estimated that the project will cost approximately $135,000 and has requested 50% match ($67,500) from SWFWMD. If the grant is awarded, the project will allow the City to have precise location and condition ratings of all of the City’s stormwater infrastructure in a centralized database, and allow for real time updates to each structure. It will also include hydraulic modeling while implementing sea-level rise scenarios. This will be vital in identifying current problem areas, as well as predicting future problem areas. It will assist with planning future projects with resiliency and sustainability in mind.

Public Works has been developing scopes and negotiating fees for the design of Gulf Lane, Beach Street End Parking Lot Improvements, and citywide seawall assessment and inventory.

City Staff has been coordinating with Duke, Spectrum and Frontier for the next phase of undergrounding along Gulf Blvd. and with Pinellas County and FDOT for information regarding Johns Pass Inlet.

City Staff had a kickoff meeting with the Consultant for the High and Dry Feasibility study. The draft report will be submitted to the City for review by December 30.



Crystal Island Updates

Project is still on schedule to be completed in 3/2021

  • Storm
    • All storm inlets installed.
    • Over half of the outfalls are installed.
  • Curb:
    • curbs are in place on Johns Pass Ave, Lillian Dr., and Flamingo Dr.
    • curb work has begun on Crystal Dr. north of Flamingo Dr.
  • Roadway
    • First lift of asphalt is in place on Johns Pass Ave, Lillian Dr., and Flamingo Dr.
    • Roadwork is beginning on Crystal Drive. Contractor will work on one lane at a time to allow traffic around the work zone.
  • Restoration
    • Concrete and Paver Driveway in progress Lillian Dr. and Johns Pass Ave.
    • Irrigation restoration in progress Lillian Dr. and Johns Pass Ave.



October went by quickly as there was quite a lot of excitement around the Madeira Beach Recreation Department. Madeira Beach Youth Baseball and Softball cranked up with games taking place just about every night of the week at ROC Park. The youth soccer program also began with games and practices taking place at the Madeira Beach Fundamental School.

Event wise, a couple of Drive-Ins took place at ROC Park with local band Seranation headlining a great night of music on the Recreation Fields. Additionally, the Gulf Beaches Magnet School hosted a movie night for the community, showing Goosebumps at the Rec Center, drive-in style. The Recreation Department also hosted their 2nd Annual Dog Event at the Dog Park. This occurrence, which was slightly altered due to Covid-19, was well attended with nearly 20 vendors joining in on the fun and excitement of caring after our pets.

Looking ahead, November and December will be exciting around ROC Park with King of the Beach taking place as well as the Veterans Boat Parade and the Festival of Lights Boat Parade.

Upcoming Events

  • Nov 6 & 7 – NSA – All Day (Excluding KOTB Time)
  • Nov 6 – King of The Beach – 3:30pm – 9:00pm
  • Nov 12 – Veterans Boat Parade Captains Meeting – 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Nov 14 – Veterans Boat Parade, Cornhole Tournament, and Post Parade Event – 10:30am
  • Nov 20 – Breakfast with Bob – Fire Station – 7:30am – 9:30am
  • Nov 21 & 22 – NSA – All Day
  • Dec 5 – John’s Pass Tree Lighting and Jingle Bell Tourney – All Day
  • Dec 12 – Festival of Lights Boat Parade – 6:30pm

Questions, concerns, or ideas you’d like to see, please contact the Recreation Department at 727-392-0665. Thank you!

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