Elevate Florida- FDEM Residential Mitigation Program

Posted on December 12, 2024

The Florida Division of Emergency Management is excited to announce Florida’s first Statewide Residential Mitigation Program, Elevate Florida. The goal of this program is to enhance community resilience by mitigating private residences against natural hazards.

This project types are eligible under the Statewide Residential Mitigation Program.

  • Structure Elevation: Structure elevation activities generally involve physically raising an existing structure utilizing a variety of methods. Utilities must also be properly elevated. Buildings proposed for elevation must be structurally sound and capable of being elevated safely.
  • Mitigation Reconstruction: The construction of an improved, elevated building on the same site where an existing building and/or foundation has been partially or completely demolished or destroyed.
  • Structure Acquisition: Generally, acquisition projects consist of a community purchasing at-risk structures from voluntary sellers and demolishing them. The purchased property is then maintained, in perpetuity, for open-space purposes and to restore or conserve the site’s natural floodplain functions.

More information about how and when to apply is coming soon. Subscribe to receive future communications by selecting at Residential Mitigation Communications at

You can begin to prepare for the application by compiling the following information:

  • Photos of any flooding inside or outside of the home (if available)
  • Photos of high-water marks and photos measuring the height of the marks
  • Insurance claim payouts or assistance documentation (if available)
  • Receipts or estimates for repairs from previous events
  • A list of aesthetic alterations to the home and year completed (if home is over 45 years old)
    • Window/door replacement
    • Roof replacement
    • Remodeling
    • Painting or re-siding
    • Additions, decks, landings or garages
    • Any historic use of structure


If you are a resident of Florida and interested in learning more about mitigation grant funding for your property, please email with your name, city, and your specific question or situation.

If you would like to receive future updates about this program, please subscribe to receive FDEM Residential Mitigation Communications at


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