Recreation Youth Soccer Nights

JulJuly 15 2020

6:00pm Madeira Beach Fundamental School Fields

591 Tom Stuart Causeway, Madeira Beach, Florida 33708

We are introducing a new program this summer. Summer Soccer Nights! This will be a “drop in” style program on Wednesday nights all summer long, from 7:00pm till 8:30pm at the school fields.  We will be dividing the children into different age groups and running simple drills and mostly organized games.  Registration will be on a weekly basis. You can come for all 8 weeks or come for any weeks you’d like.  Below is the link to register.  PRE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED WITH LIMITED SPOTS.  We have also implemented certain guidelines to keep everyone safe.  Below is a list of these guidelines.

Summer Soccer Guidelines:

-Ages 7-12 /Groups will be divided based on age.

-Groups will be 10 or less with a maximum capacity of 40 children on the entire field.

-The gate at the Northwest corner of the school field will be utilized as the only entrance and exit for the field.

-Temperature checks will be done upon entry to field. If temperature is above 100.4, the child will not be allowed on the field.

-Parents will be required to drop off their children or remain in their car. Parents will NOT be permitted on the field.

-Children will be required to provide their own water bottle. We will not be supplying water. No Sharing of water bottles.

-We recommend your child brings hand sanitizer to use in between games.

– You must pre-register to participate in this program.


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