John’s Pass Activity Center Business Meeting

Posted on May 28, 2021

Wednesday, June 2, 2021 – 6:00 PM VFW Meeting Hall –
12901 Gulf Blvd., Madeira Beach, Florida

The City of Madeira Beach recently became aware that the Pinellas County Plan Map changed the designation of the commercial areas throughout the city to allow very limited building and uses. This change makes it impossible to improve or replace many of the businesses in the City in case of severe weather or other disaster, or even for the improvement and advancement of economic growth. It is essential this problem be rectified as soon as possible because of the devastating effects that could occur.

Additionally, the existing City land use plan does not support the existing level of development or allow for similar and compatible growth. Many businesses are non-conforming even with the existing city plan. In years past, when the planning and building was regulated by the city of Treasure Island, some buildings were built in conflict with city regulations and others were made non-conforming when the City changed codes over the years. These non-conforming buildings cannot be expanded, and improvements are limited due to the existing map.

Finally, the city is required to be compatible with the Pinellas County’s definitions within the residential areas as well. Changes will be required. Comparisons of City and county definitions will be available at the meeting and on-line at the web page listed below.

To rectify these situations, and to protect the ongoing economic health of your business community and the stability of surrounding neighborhoods, the City is proposing to change its comprehensive plan and is requesting the county change its plan to be consistent, as is required. The community has a range of county land use designations from which to choose and can define how those uses and activity will be implemented in its code.

City leaders request the input of the business community in creating a new design and long-range plan for John’s Pass Village and along Gulf Blvd. Please join your neighbors and city staff at the time and place listed above to help define the future of development in Madeira Beach.

In preparation for this exciting community defining endeavor, please participate in an online survey to help define the agenda and prioritize topics for the meeting. To fill out the survey, go to before June 4th, 2021.

For more information about all upcoming planning efforts or to ask questions go to: or contact us at Community Development Department, (727) 391-9951 ext. 244.

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