Join us for a special event to celebrate World Ocean Day and the 75th Anniversary of Madeira Beach. I will personally be making a special announcement of the installation of turtle lights on Gulf Blvd. After, we will all partake with a fun beach clean up. You will also get to see the beautiful turtle nests of Madeira Beach! Please come and participate with us, we will love to see you there!
A special thank you to all who have put this event together including my office. Host, Water Warrior Alliance, and partners: City of Madeira Beach, Duke Energy, Keep Pinellas Beautiful, GreenPoly, Stream2sea, Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and Saltwater Hippie.

#wod #worldoceanday #beach #beachcleanup #cleanwater #nopolution #sealife #turtles #turtlenesting #turtlelight #ocean #protectyourplanet #protectouroceans #protectourmarinelife #oceancleanup #oceanconservation #cleanbeachhappybeach #madeirabeach #pinellas #pinellascounty #pinellascountybeaches #beach