March 2022 City Manager’s Report Now Available

Posted on April 7, 2022

Spring’s arrival signaled the beginning of the spring break season mostly full of continued very nice weather as thousands visited our sand, our eclectic various attractions, and a few special events throughout March.  From a fishing tournament to flying a kite to watching college softball to a waterfront carnival to simply enjoying the beach, the gulf, and/or the sunsets, residents and visitors enjoyed the varied events/activities through our City:

  • The Spring Games Softball – 20 college softball teams played 59 games
  • Gulf Beaches Rotary Spring Break Waterfront Festival
  • Kite Day at R.O.C. Park
  • Great American Grunt Hunt
  • Final Friday Music at John’s Pass Bell Tower area

75th Anniversary EventsPlease see below for additional special events & activities throughout the month of April into early May ranging from our Wednesday Market on Madeira Way to the annual Kingfish Tournament to our Founder’s Day Grouper Gala celebrating our 75th birthday to be held on Saturday, May 7 beginning at 5 pm at the Madeira Beach Recreation Center located at 200 Rex Pl.

Additionally, March saw the continuation of daily services provision including the daily cleaning and maintenance of our sand and our parks (Archibald, Tom & Kitty Stuart, and R.O.C.), as again, the usage continued to increase. The shower at Tom & Kitty Stuart parked was relocated to a more usable location that enhanced the water drainage and Public Works staff installed various signs advising users to use existing beach access points instead of walking through various dunes.  The March 15 City election welcomed 2 new Commissioners, David Tagliarini (District 1), and Ray Kerr (District 2).  Both were inducted (sworn-in) on Wednesday, March 23 and will sit at their first Commission Regular meeting on Wednesday, April 13 (more on the election below).

We continued celebrating our 75th year as a City holding and promoting upcoming events and activities such as the Great American Grunt Hunt fishing tournament rescheduled to March 19.  Please help us gather photos and historical accounts as well as consider volunteering for upcoming events.  We also began selling various 75th commemorative items including hats, t-shirts, tote bags, drink koozies, and various City present and historic images on 16” x 20” canvass. Items are for sale at City Hall as well as at most upcoming special events.  Please visit the following internet site for additional information including how to help with the Celebrations:

75th anniversary

Our Fire department boat went into service on March 1 providing enhanced 24hr/7day marina/water assistance response replacing the previous jet ski. We are very excited and fortunate to have this addition to our emergency response. Fire also released their 2021 annual report detailing the wonderful and valuable services provided by the 15 men and women (plus Clover, our Fire Safety Ambassador canine) in providing fire suppression, advanced life support treatment, marine emergencies, and customer service. A few highlights from 2021:

Link to the 2021 Fire Department Annual Report:

MBFD March Stats

The 70+ men and women employed at the City of Madeira Beach daily provide the highest quality of City services in the most efficient and effective manner possible.  Please continue to enjoy our wonderful City and let us know of anything needing our attention.  We are here to daily provide the most effective and efficient city services to all our residents, businesses, and visitors following the City’s mission & vision as listed below, particularly to enjoy a safe and vibrant community.


Additional details are included in this report particularly specific departmental information and data.  Please feel free to review and ask questions regarding our City services provision.  Please feel free to contact me for any City matter or just to introduce yourself or say hello.



  • 140th Ave Restoration from Island Dr to E Parsley Dr (contractor damages-City to be reimbursed by contractor), April – May
  • Beach Groins Renourishment – surveying work to begin by the late summer 2022.
  • East and West Parsley (area 3) and Parts of 129th and 131st Avenues (area 5) – milling and resurfacing streets & stormwater system improvements.
  • Gulf Pl and adjacent City parking lots/beach access, from 135th to 130th Ave – milling and resurfacing, to begin in Spring 2022


  • Mobility Mat Unveiling & Ribbon-Cutting, Wednesday, April 6 begins 10 am, Archibald Park (sand)
  • Market on Madeira Way, Wednesdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27 – 10 am to 2 pm, Madeira Way, between Municipal Dr & 150th
  • Hurricane Expo, Saturday, April 9 – 10 to noon, City Hall
  • The Future of Transportation Forum, Wednesday, April 13, 3 pm, City Hall
    • Speakers:  Brad Miller, PSTA; Michele Routh, St Pete-Clearwater Int’l Airport; Chris Minner Tampa Int’l Airport
  • Final Friday Music Event, Friday, April 29, 6 pm to 9 pm, John’s Pass Bell Tower area
  • 29th Annual Old Salt Spring King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament, Thu-Sat, April 28, 29 & 30, 2022 –
    • 4/28: Captains Meeting, Team Check-In & Registration
      • Gates Open: 5PM
        Team Check-In: 6:30PM
        Rules Review: 8PM
        Raffle & Silent Auction: 9PM
    • 4/29: Kids Fishing Slam & Community Party
      • Gates Open: 5PM
        Kids Slam Starts: 6PM
    • 4/30: Tournament Fishing & Weigh-In
      • Lines In: 6AM
        Weigh-In Starts: 3PM
        Must Be Checked-In and In Line By: 5PM
  • Madeira Beach Founder’s Day Weekend Grouper Gala, Sat, May 7, 5 pm, Madeira Beach Recreation Center & Field – help us celebrate the City’s 75th Birthday


A very big thank you to all registered voters in Madeira Beach who voted in the Municipal Election on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.  Thank you for making Democracy work!

Congratulations to the newly elected Commissioners!
Commissioner David Tagliarini of District 1 & Commissioner Ray Kerr of District 2, we look forward to working with you!

Additionally, all 3 charter amendments passed as well as the 1 referendum question:

  1. Elector and residence requirement for candidates seeking office of Mayor or Commissioner
  2. Candidate petition forms requirement for candidates seeking office of Mayor or Commissioner
  3. Elections held in March each year for purposes of electing successors to elective offices
  4. Authorize sale of real property located 13222 3rd St E



My Madeira Beach AppLaunched in early November 2021, remember to download the free City of Madeira Beach mobile app, My Madeira Beach, from the Apple App or Google Play stores.  Residents, businesses, visitors can utilize the app to communicate service requests and/or report concerns/issues such as potholes, trash, graffiti, or any other area needing City attention.  The app is also a great resource with links to the City website, news, and ongoing/upcoming events.



Here in Madeira Beach, we love sea turtles! Nesting season starts May 1st and ends November 30th.  A couple important ways you can help are to pick up litter on the beach, fill in holes on the beach from beach goers, and make sure your lighting on your home is sea turtle compliant if you live on the beach side.  Look below for some links on more information on what you can do and organizations that help our beloved sea turtles!


Please join us for the Hurricane Preparedness Expo. Meet with City representatives, local organizations, and businesses who will provide information on to help you prepare before, during, and after a storm. This event is open to all members of the coastal communities.

  • Free Event
  • Guest Speakers
  • Kids’ Activities
  • Preparedness Information
  • Pick Up for Residential Parking & Access Passes

Thank you very much for your attention. Again, a huge thank you to all City staff that daily make Madeira Beach shine.  Please let us know of any matter needing the City’s attention.  Stay Safe and enjoy Our Slice of Paradise!


Robin Gomez
City Manager – Madeira Beach
300 Municipal Drive,
Madeira Beach, Florida 33708
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