The month of May has continued the prosperous path that the previous months have given us. The Florida legislature allocated matching funds for our beach groin renovation project (1.75 million) and our roadway and stormwater improvement project ($500,000). After lobbying for funding over the last two years, we were finally successful. We are exploring different funding sources as we move forward on these important projects. The final financial numbers were submitted on the Crystal Island project and the City of Madeira Beach expenses are close to 9.1 million after the reimbursement from Pinellas County Utilities. There are approximately five residents that we are working on their restoration issues. The next project is Parsley and Marguerite Drives.
The Board of Commissioners final public hearing on the rezoning and development agreement for the Schooner Project has been rescheduled to July 14th, 2021, at 6 p.m. Our new Building Department addition has punch list items remaining and we will be setting the date for the ribbon cutting later in the month. Please check our website for further information. The next Breakfast with Bob is scheduled for June 24, at the Holiday Isles Elks Lodge #1912, 14111 East Parsley Drive at 8 a.m. Please join us for an hour of information, conversation, and sharing.
On the COVID-19 front, the vaccinations are available through several physicians, pharmacies, and clinics. The State and Pinellas County are ramping down their operations. Businesses can require masks or have an optional wear policy. In our City Hall, we will be moving to an optional wear policy on Monday June 7, 2021. We will still have a supply of disposal masks at our front desk. For our employees, we are relaxing the mandatory order to optional wear with the request to be considerate of those employees who have an underlying condition. Please get vaccinated for everyone’s sake and don’t worry which vaccine you get. At this point it is important to get vaccinated as soon as you can! Be safe and enjoy life!
City Building Official, Frank DeSantis reports that our redevelopment/economic development continues at a fast pace including several large condominium projects on-going and under plan review.
- The Madeira Bay Project (44 units) at 13101 Gulf Blvd. The side banks need to be re-graded to meet code. Waiting on as-builts and revised drainage calculations. The Engineer promised as-builts asap, NO CHANGE.
- The Madeira del Mar Condominiums project (13 units, 4-stories with two floors above parking) 15305 1st Street East. A C-O was issued for the structure and the new pool project almost completed, waiting on Florida DOH’s final inspection report. Pool landscaping is almost completed, rest of sod delivered this week. the pool project is at 99% completion.
- The Harbor at Town Center Condominiums project 212 150TH Ave – The roof was poured including the center core. The roof trusses will start in 2 plus weeks. The masonry work is completed up to the third floor. The project is at 27% completion.
- The Holiday Isles projects –
- 555 150th Ave. (Hampton Inn Hotel) – NO CHANGE Overall progress is still at 1%. Permit has been extended per Executive Order 20-52.
- 565 150th Ave. (31-unit residential condo building) – NO CHANGE Permit has been issued to the contractor, no scheduled date to start.
- The Office Suite Downstairs – All M-E-P’s & Fire inspections are completed. The final punch list items are being addressed and corrected. The project is 98% completed, waiting for casework, drinking fountains and 5 locksets.
Monthly Totals (05/01/2021 through 05/31/2021):
- Building Department:
- 93 different types of permits were processed & issued.
- $49,201.69. Permit fees collected.
- $2,867,933.00. Permit estimated value or cost.
- 92 completed inspections (average 5-per day)
- Building Code Compliance & Residential Rental Inspections:
- 4 new code compliance cases were created.
- 3 code compliance cases being resolved.
- 29 open/outstanding code compliance concerns with the help of the Special Magistrate.
- 3 rental units scheduled for inspections.
- PCSO-Community Policing and Code Enforcement (MUNIS).
- 0 new code compliance cases were opened.
- 0 existing code compliance cases were resolved.
- 34 code compliance cases remain open.
- PCSO-ACISS Cases (Activities that generate case #’s)
- Deputy Moren, 92 cases
- Deputy Snyder, 49 cases
- 141-Total Cases
Madeira Beach is looking for Volunteer Beach Ambassadors to help assist tourist and other Residents. The Ambassadors will help in the City Lots with parking meters as well as roam John’s Pass Village to help with directions and questions on the City. Shifts will be available Monday – Sunday in zones for two-hour increments. Sounds interesting? Click here to fill out the Madeira Beach Ambassador Form! For more information or questions please reach out to Sue Tofthagen at stofthagen@madeirabeachfl.gov or call 727-391-9951 x281.
May Parking Revenue over the last couple years:
- 2021- $381,139
- 308 Tickets Written
- 2020- $129,555 (beaches opened May 7, 2020, travel restrictions in place due to COVID)
- 2019- $250,839
- 2018- $184,700
Click here for the Parking Revenue year over year report.
During May the Community Development Department worked to update hurricane and flood information to use in the annual mailing to Madeira Beach property owners. The letter was sent out along with invitations to community planning meeting to be held on June 5th at City Hall from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM. The meeting is designed to collect input from the community to the land use changes needed to update city maps to reflect current and future development needs and to rectify serious errors in the county map that jeopardize the economic stability of the city and devalue current development. The staff also prepared amendments to the floodplain management code and related ordinances to adopt the new FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map and to respond to drainage concerns, rising sea levels, changes in building standards and the economy. There are several large development projects proposed for submission, and the Schooner development that require plans review and coordination with the community, and the legal authorities on both the developer’s and the city’s part. The staff coordinates a variety of advertising, posting and mailing requirements based on the type of project and the level of regulation established in state law and city code.
Congratulations to the 1st Place angler and 3-fish aggregate winner Brooke O’Hair and all the other winners and anglers that participated in this year’s Great American Grunt Hunt. With the help of our great sponsors, we were able to donate funds to two great charities, The Police Unity Tour, and the Madeira Beach 9/11 Memorial. We hope to see everyone again next year when the tournament moves to its normal mid-March date.
Red Snapper Season starts on June 4th for recreational anglers. Look for calm weather days and be prepared for an early start to avoid any afternoon thunderstorms. Runs out to 100 plus feet are needed especially later in the season. Deeper water will produce some bigger fish but there are plenty of keepers in 100-130 feet of water. Use circle hooks on a fish-finder rig with frozen sardines, mackerel, squid, or live pinfish. Conventional or spinning tackle in the 50-80 pound class would be best choice for most applications. Make sure to have your free reef angler permit on your fishing license. Keep an eye on the weather and make sure to let somebody know the area you are going to fish and your plan.
Click here for the Marina year over year and monthly revenue report.
Madeira Beach Fire Department personnel trains regularly on various skills and tactics to provide the best emergency response during medical, fire/rescue and water events. In early May, Lt Hill, Lt. McClave and FF Marinello attended the Clearwater Extrication Symposium at Station 48 taught by Tactical Advantage Training, LLC. The training was led by Isaac Frazier. At the start of their fire service career Isaac and Chief Belk attended the fire academy together. He is a nationally recognized extrication expert teaching real-world tactics from his own experience of working on some of the deadliest highways in the US. Approximately 35 students from multiple departments throughout the state participated in a speed drill, rapid extrications, and several ways to free pinned victims. The two-day, intense training, allowed the firefighters to gain valuable knowledge, fine-tune teamwork, and put into action what they have learned by “cutting up” 30 vehicles. It was a great weekend of training!
Later in the month, MBFD teamed up with St. Petersburg and St. Pete Beach Fire & Rescue for rapid dive team training at Maximo Marina. Firefighters practiced skills in entering the water to rescue victims from sub-surface water environments. They had to locate the vehicle, extricate the patients, and then transport them to the nearest dock. They also trained on diver/land communication skills. These trainings specifically focus on rescuing victims from submerged vehicles quickly and efficiently. The Dive and Marine team is always ready to respond when needed!
As of May 31, 2021, the Board of Commissioners have held 18 meetings in 2021. All meetings are open to the public. For May 2021, the Board held 2 meetings. The public can view meetings by webcast or on Spectrum Ch. 640 and public comment is accepted by email in advance of each meeting. Regularly scheduled meetings are held:
Board of Commissioners Meetings – Commission Chambers, 300 Municipal Drive, Madeira Beach, FL 33708
- Regular Meeting 2nd Wednesday @ 6 p.m.
- Regular Workshop Meeting 4th Wednesday @ 6 p.m.
Meeting dates and times are subject to change due to holidays, etc.
Advisory Boards
Boards, Commissions, and Committees are a valuable part of the local government process. The members are volunteers and provide a great service to the City and to the community. Duties and responsibilities include assisting in the reviewing the City’s policies and procedures, Code of Ordinances, and the City Charter, and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
Current vacancies:
- Planning Commission – 7-member board – regular meetings held monthly, 1st Monday at 6:00 p.m. – members must be citizens and eligible to vote in the City – Additional information, please contact Community Development Director, Linda Portal at 727-391-9951, ext. 255 or 244; lportal@madeirabeachfl.gov.
Special consideration given to applicants with one or more of the following professional experience and credentials:
- Architecture or landscape architecture
- Civil engineering
- Real estate sales or land development
- Natural or environmental sciences
- Urban planning
- Civil Service Commission – 5-member board – regular meetings held quarterly, dates and times vary – members must be citizens and eligible to vote in the City – Additional information, please contact City Clerk Clara VanBlargan at 727-391-9951, ext. 231; cvanblargan@madeirabeachfl.gov.
Special consideration given to applicants with HR professional experience and credentials.
Applications may be obtained at City Hall, downloaded on the City’s website at https://madeirabeachfl.gov/advisory-boards/ or obtained from the City Clerk.
The Public Works department has been working on cleaning and inspecting stormwater pipes and would like to encourage residents to call and report any issues relating to stormwater drainage. The cleanliness of our roadway systems in Madeira Beach is one of the keys to keeping our storm water drainpipes flowing and going.
To help protect the water quality the City of Madeira Beach has received a watergoat granted by Surfing’s Evolution & Preservation Foundation and Keep Pinellas Beautiful and has been installed next to City Hall. The purpose of the watergoat is to create a barrier that helps capture litter and debris from the roadway before entering the waterway. The netting on the watergoat is safe for all marine life and doesn’t stop water flow.
How You Can Help – In order to reduce debris on city streets and into storm drains, residents are reminded not to rake or blow leaves, grass, litter, palm fronds, twigs, branches or other materials into the street. Install landscape barriers around any shell, mulch or rocks to ensure it stays in place and doesn’t end up in the curb and eventually down a stormwater pipe.
Our city sanitation staff would like to remind all residents and business owners that yard waste pick up is on Wednesday and please do not put debris in the roadway if avoidable also have the piles out by 8 AM. If you have big bulk items such as furniture, please call city staff to schedule pick-up 727-543-8143. The City of Madeira Beach solid waste does not pickup concrete debris, paint / chemicals, or demolition material.
Summer is here activity is picking up on the beaches! Madeira Beach will play host to a couple of Swim/Run endurance events at Archibald Memorial Beach Park during the month of June. The softball fields remain busy as well as the Babe Ruth Softball District Tournament will take place mid-month and Just For Fun Softball returns to close out June in R.O.C. Park.
Youth Soccer and Flag Football both wind down this month as the Recreation Department transitions into Summer Camp Mode. In addition to the usual offering of summer camp, Summer Nights Soccer and Basketball will return. Also, for the first time, Madeira Beach will offer a Disc Golf Camp where kids will enjoy 4 different courses throughout Pinellas County. For more information contact Max or Colin at the Recreation Center at 727-392-0665.
Looking ahead, the City of Madeira Beach has begun planning for the 75th Anniversary of the City. Currently seeking community input and folks who want to volunteer, the City is looking to host a marquee event each month during 2022. If you are interested in a particular event or volunteering at one more information is available here: https://madeirabeachfl.gov/75th-anniversary-celebration/
Below are some upcoming events and activities throughout Madeira Beach:
- June 5 – Trash Pirates Beach Clean Up – 8am – 10am – All Madeira Beach Beaches
- June 5 – Madeira Beach Open Water Swim – 7am – 11am – Archibald Memorial Beach Park
- June 8-13 – Babe Ruth Softball District Tournament – R.O.C. Park Softball Fields
- June 13 – Swim Mad Beach – 7:30am – 11:00am – Archibald Memorial Beach Park
- June 26-27 – Just For Fun Softball – All Day – R.O.C. Park Softball Fields