Preparations for Hurricane Elsa

Posted on July 2, 2021


It is still a but too early to tell how Hurricane Elsa will effect Florida but NOW is the time to get prepared! Please see some information below to help you stay informed and prepared in the next couple days. As a reminder, Eta was just a tropical storm but hit us at high tide and causes a lot of flood damage. We urge residents to be prepared and stay prepared!

Helpful links to keep an eye on the Hurricane: 

Additional Helpful tips: 

  • Make an evacuation plan for your family and pets
    • Due to flooding or high winds the Fire Department may stop taking emergency calls and cannot help evacuate, they will resume calls once it is safe for them to be out.
    • If you decide to stay at home, do no go outdoors until the storm passes and avoid walking/driving in puddles as there could be live wires down.
  • Make sure you have a hurricane kit stocked and ready
    • Gas up cars
    • Charge phones
    • Pro Tip: battery powered fans are great when the power is out in the summer heat.
  • Get Sandbags if needed
    • Bag pick up locations will be Madeira Beach Marina, City Hall, and Fire Department.
    • Residents will be allowed 10 bags
    • Sand Bags will be able to be filled (self service) at John’s Pass Park. In the event we are considered a State of Emergency, city staff will open additional areas directly on the beach and will post where they are set up.
  • Secure items in your yard
    • Now is not the time for trimming trees, please keep yard waste and trash to a minimum as it can become a projectile with high winds.
    • Public Works will not operational until after the storm passes, they will focus on making sure roads are clear and will then start picking up residential debris. Please be patient with them as they make their way around the city.

More helpful tips can be found on our monthly hurricane guide! 

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