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OFFICE HOURS:  August 29th: 7:30am - 12:00pm August 30th: CLOSED August 31st: TBD SAND BAGS: Starting at 9am, Madeira Beach residents can pick up 10 bags per household at the Public Words Yard within the Marina. Staff will be onsite checking IDs, if you don't have a Madeira Beach ID we need something that ties...

Tropical Strom Idalia The City is currently working on battening down the hatches. We are looking at a very high tide tomorrow and Wednesday along with possible 7-10 feet storm surge. Please see below for some ways you can get ready now! Sand Bags: A sand bag station will open starting at 11am today at...

With the tropics heating up it is a great time to check your kits and get ready for a potential storm. Starting tomorrow, August 26th, the Hurricane Sales Tax Holiday begins, take a look below for items included:

Did you know there is FREE MONEY available to get turtle friendly lighting at your home if you live on the beach? The Sea Turtle Conservancy has a grant available to help get our beaches turtle friendly! Stop by City Hall today to get a brochure, the first 50 residents will also get a free...

Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan (As of March 2024) Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan Data and Analysis

For more information on the Fitness Class Schedule and Yoga Schedule : CLICK HERE    

The City of Madeira Beach Building/Community Development Depts. are now offering dedicated Office Hours to go over items necessary to submit a complete permit application. This will include a general discussion of the proposed work, applicable codes, FEMA regulations and any other governing aspects relevant to the proposed work. Join us Wednesday afternoons from 1:00pm...

Get ready for an exciting soccer season with Madeira Beach Youth Soccer! Don't miss out on the chance to join our fantastic league as registration is now open through August. Practices will kick off in September, preparing our young athletes for the action-packed games running from October to December. For ages 3, the league fee...

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