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The curbing project for Crystal Island Drive will resume Nov. 23.  Residents will see crews installing curb on the east sides of the roadway (north bound lane). The three-phase process will involve digging out the side of the roadway, installing the curbing, and then cutting the curbing to allow access to residential driveways. During this...

Crystal Island Roadway / Drainage Schedule Monday November 16th – Friday November 20th Lillian Dr. Irrigation Restoration Copper water service lines replaced Johns Pass Ave. Irrigation Restoration Restore Driveways Flamingo Dr. Restore Driveways Reclaim water offset Pump Station Valve Replacement Crystal Dr. Sub-Base and Base South of Flamingo Drive - Existing Base Prep for curb pad...

The City of Madeira Beach will be waiving the limit of 72 hours allowed for portable storage units (such as PODS), to allow for 90 days for those properties undertaking permitted restoration work due to Tropical Storm Eta. A copy of the approved building permit must be affixed to the storage unit and visible from...

Dear Madeira Beach Property Owner, The City of Madeira Beach will be waiving permit fees for any interior demo and/or restoration repairs, due to Tropical Storm Eta, for the next 30 days, and will expire on Sunday, December 13th, 2020. Residents are still required to do the following prior to any type work being done....

November 13, 2020 Dear Madeira Beach Property Owner, Many property owners are facing heavy clean up and repair responsibilities following the recent tropical storm and flooding event.  Be sure to document the damage accurately and contact your insurance carrier before beginning any repair work. City staff is organized in rapid review mode to facilitate a...

Post storm, Pinellas County is currently gathering damage reports for potential state and federal emergency assistance. To document damage on your property, use the Online Damage Assessment Tool. Note: to report immediate public hazards - e.g. flooded streets, trees in roadway - call the CIC (727) 464-4333. If you have any questions on who you...

City Hall will open at 9am tomorrow, November 12th, to allow out staff to stay safe. Normal operation will resume Friday, November 13th. Public Works will be assessing damage starting at 7am as long as conditions are safe for our staff. Please report any debris blocking roads to Public Works: 727- 391-9951. All Crystal Island...

On January 23, 2019, the City of Madeira Beach issued a media release entitled “Madeira Beach Officials Receive Report of Marina Audit.”  The Release stated, among other things, that the “report shows estimated marina losses totaling more than $550,000.”  It also stated the “audit was performed after the City’s internal auditor, Johns Houser of Wells,...

During the week of November 9th, Gibbs & Register will continue the installation of curb on Crystal Drive, residents will see crews installing curb on both sides of the roadway. The three-phase process will involve digging out the sides of the roadway, installing the curbing, and then cutting the curbing to allow access to residential...

CITY MANAGER Soon the sounds of the holidays will fill the air as we head into November of what has been a very trying year. I want to thank everyone for being diligent in this fight against the pandemic virus, COVID-19. I urge each of you to remain diligent taking precautions, wearing a mask, consistent...

A big THANK YOU to our Public Works department! They recently placed two cigarette butt dispensers at Archibald Park as part of our Protect Paradise Anti-litter Campaign. We would also like to thank Keep Pinellas Beautiful for supplying disposable cigarette butt holders, Saltwater Destinations will be handing them out to all beachgoers who need them....

ATTENTION During the week of October 26th, Gibbs & Register will continue the installation of curb on Crystal Drive, residents will see crews installing curb on both sides of the roadway. The three-phase process will involve digging out the sides of the roadway, installing the curbing, and then cutting the curbing to allow access to...

We are incredibly proud of Madeira Beach Recreation Center! R.O.C. Park was chosen as a site for a T-Mobile commercial that ran during the World Series last night and may run a couple more times throughout the series. Our Recreation Center team has done a great job with keeping the grounds clean, safe, and fun for...

Elevation Certificates and Flood Insurance Rate Maps The most recent Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Madeira Beach went into effect August 2021.  If you think the flood zone identified by your insurance agent is in question, please contact the City. The City of Madeira Beach is the community's primary source of information regarding Flood...

As part of the Crystal Island Roadway Improvements, contractor will be paving on Monday October 19th & Tuesday October 20th John’s Pass Ave - from 536/539 to 582/585 & Flamingo Drive – all (from John’s Pass Ave to Crystal Dr.) Please note above dates are contingent on weather. No Parking will be permitted within the...

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