FAQ Topic: Administration FAQ's

What is the Sunshine Law?

To find out about the Florida Government-in-the-Sunshine Law please visit

How can I speak at a Commission meeting?

You can address the Board during the Citizen Forum on any subject of interest not on the agenda. You limit your comments to three minutes. You can also speak on agenda items. The Board reviews the staff presentation, discusses the item, and then opens the meeting for public input. You speak from the podium after … Continued

When does the Board of Commissioners meet?

The fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. is a Board of Commissioners Workshop, which is held in the Auditorium at City Hall located at 300 Municipal Drive. The Regular Board of Commissioners meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium at City Hall. They are televised … Continued

Who are the current Board of Commissioners Members?

Current members are: John B. Hendricks, Mayor Doug Andrews, Vice-Mayor/Commissioner District 3 Helen “Happy” Price, Commissioner District 1 Nancy Hodges, Commissioner District 2 John Douthirt, Commissioner District 4

When are Board member elections held?

The elections are non-partisan and are held on the first regular meeting following the election. Elections for Commission Districts One (1) and Two (2) are held in even-numbered years. Elections for Commission Districts Three (3) and Four (4) are held in odd-numbered years.

How many Board members are there and how long do they serve?

The Board consists of five (5) members elected by the residents of the city. Four (4) of the members are from each of the four commission districts and the fifth member is the Mayor. The Mayor is elected for a three-year term, and the Commissioners are elected for a two-year term. There is no limit … Continued

What are the responsibilities of the Mayor?

The Mayor presides at all meetings, has voice and vote in the proceedings of the Board, and is the official head of the city for the serving of civil process and for ceremonial purposes.

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