Tropical Storm Eta: Fact, Fiction & FEMA Virtual Meeting tonight at 6pm – There is still time to register!

Posted on December 15, 2020

This is an important message from Pinellas County Emergency Management. 

Many residents along the beaches, low lying areas and mobile home parks were impacted by Tropical Storm Eta, incurring damage from the rain and storm surge. They now face issues with insurance, homes that are uninhabitable and questions about disaster assistance.

Pinellas County Emergency Management and Floodplain Management will hold a virtual conversation to explain the types of flooding risks in Pinellas County, the coverage differences in available insurance policies and how to navigate the insurance claims process. The virtual conversation will be held online on, via Zoom, Tuesday, December 15, from 6 to 7 p.m.

Register for the event by following this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Have flood damage to your home or business?

Tropical Storm Eta flooded many homes and businesses in Pinellas County. FEMA Individual Assistance is not available at this time, but Pinellas County is working diligently to document all the flood damages to apply for potential state and federal emergency assistance.

You can help by reporting your flood damage at Photos are essential for the application, be sure to upload a picture that shows flooding in your home or the water line along the outside the home.

Businesses can report damages at:

For a rundown of advice visit: OR

Please share this information with your neighbors, board of directors and community partners and post on your website and social media platforms.

For more information on the event, call Pinellas County Emergency Management at

(727) 464-3634 or email

Stay Safe,

Your Partners in Emergency Management

Pinellas County Emergency Management

COVID-19 Information:

2020 Hurricane Season Preparedness Guide: English Version and Spanish Version

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