
City Manager’s Report – June, 2020

Manager’s Minute The More Things Change, The Less They Stay The Same This month’s Manager’s Minute has a theme – adapt. We adapt to virtually everything in our world. Traffic gets heavy, we take another route or develop more patience. The waiter says they are out of today’s special, we look for something else to … Continued

Power Surge is Suspected Cause of Phone Issues at City Hall

A string of strong thunderstorms over the weekend is the suspected cause of phone and online access issues at Madeira Beach City Hall today. Currently, some phones are not working, and some computer work stations have been knocked offline. Callers are directed to push “0” to connect to the receptionist if a call to a … Continued

Lillian Drive Curbing Project Continues Monday

Gibbs & Register (G&R) work crews will continue the process of installing new curbing on Lillian Drive during the week of July 13th. The curbing project will start at 575 Lillian Drive moving south to 553 Lillian Drive, then move to the west side starting at 552 Lillian Drive and moving north to 576 Lillian … Continued

City Manager’s Report – May 2020

Managers Minute Welcome Back“Welcome back!” It seems strange to offer that greeting when most of us never left Madeira Beach. However, we did retreat into our self-imposed quarantine thanks to Covid-19. As May turned into June, and the governor issued his Phase 2 directives, you could almost feel a sense of relief as residents began … Continued

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