Community Development- Florida Government Week


city hall 2

The Building Department administers and enforces the most recent edition of the Florida Building Codes for new and existing building construction. Our experienced staff administer all aspects of fire, zoning, and neighborhood integrity codes and ordinances in an effort to ensure a safe, well maintained community.

The Building Official performs various inspections through all phases of construction to ensure the facility is in compliance with established codes. A final inspection is conducted before the structure can be occupied.

Once a structure is complete Building Code Compliance is responsible for the ongoing enforcement of all City codes and Ordinances as they relate to inspections, neighborhood integrity, and the safety and aesthetics of the community.

Our goal is to make every customer successful!

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The Community Development Department is responsible for offering citizens a variety of services including building permits, inspections, code compliance, land development, zoning compliance, planning services, flood zone planning and more. The department works in cooperation with Pinellas County and holds seats on the Planners Advisory Committee to the Pinellas Planning Council (PPC), the Pinellas County Local Mitigation Strategy Workgroup, and other countywide advisory committees.

The Community Development Department coordinates the City’s annual Community Rating System (CRS) efforts relating to the National Flood Insurance Program. After emergencies, the Community Development team will also go around the city and document any damages to city infrastructure as well as help home owners understand FEMA standards for rebuilding.

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