FAQ Topic: Code Enforcement FAQ's

Do I need a permit for a driveway or pavers?

A building permit is required for a new or an extension of a driveway. Also, you must comply with all zoning and environmental regulations. You can contact a zoning representative at 727-391-9951 ext. 283.

Why do I need a permit?

Per Chapter 1 of the Florida Building Code and section 553.79 (1), Florida Statutes: Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy or occupant content of a building or structure, or any outside area being used as part of the building’s designated occupancy (single … Continued

How do I report housing code violations?

Call Holden Pinkard, Code Compliance Officer at 727.391.9951 ext. 298 Email Holden Pinkard at Come to City Hall in person Complaints can be made anonymously if made over the phone or in person, but will be public record if emailed.

Do I need a permit to remove a tree?

You must get a permit from the City of Madeira Beach before you remove any tree, including a tree on private property. For more information, contact the City of Madeira Beach Building Department at 727-391-9951 or see below for the City Ordinance regarding tree removal. Per our City of Madeira Beach Code of Ordinances: (see full … Continued

Are permits required for solicitation?

Permits are required for any solicitation in the City. For more information, contact the City of Madeira Beach Planning and Zoning Director at (727) 391-9951 x 255.

Where can I review a copy of the City Ordinances?

All Madeira Beach ordinances are available at the Office of the City Clerk in City Hall located at 300 Municipal Drive, Madeira Beach, FL 33708 or can be found online at The Code of Ordinances can also be found electronically on the Code Enforcement and Office of the City Clerk pages.

What is a Code Enforcement Hearing?

The Board of Commissioners appoints a Special Magistrate to review and take action on code cases. The Special Magistrate has the authority to impose administrative fines and other non-criminal penalties to enforce Codes and Ordinances. Meetings are at City Hall on the second Wednesday of each month when there are cases to be heard.

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