FAQ Topic: Property & housing

Must I place street numbers on my house or business?

Yes, these are required under City Ordinance Sec. 14-1. They must be on the front of the building or over the front entrance. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width … Continued

At what stage of construction can I get my power turned on?

Power will not be released under most circumstances until the building has received all required inspections and all fees due are paid. We do issue what is known as temporary power for specific items that require testing prior to occupancy.

How do I report housing code violations?

Call Holden Pinkard, Code Compliance Officer at 727.391.9951 ext. 298 Email Holden Pinkard at Come to City Hall in person Complaints can be made anonymously if made over the phone or in person, but will be public record if emailed.

How do I pay my property taxes?

The City of Madeira Beach has a current millage rate of 2.7500 (1 mill equals $1 per $1000 dollars of assessed value). For more information on how to pay please see the Pinellas County Tax Collector site.

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