Category: City News

After School Care Registration for the 2021/2022 School Year Now Open!

Registration for After School Care is now open for the 2021/2022 Calendar year. Children from K-8 are able to attend. The City of Madeira Beach Recreation Department picks children up at Madeira Beach Fundamental and Orange Grove Elementary. Pricing for the program is $9 for Madeira Beach Residents and $12 for non-residents. The program runs … Continued

Red Tide Update- 7-20-21

Unfortunately, Red Tide is among us. This natural occurring problem has no easy solution. As in 2018 a cooperative effort, with Pinellas County Public Works being at the helm, has been initiated many weeks ago. This involves the deploying large amounts of resources to include contracting with fishing boats to attempt to scoop up the … Continued

June 2021 City Manager’s Report

The June 2021 City Manager’s Report is ready to view. Please see the below link for more details!

John’s Pass Seafood Festival Set for January 20th – 23rd, 2022.

The 2022 John’s Pass Seafood Festival is set for January 20th – 23rd, 2022. Similar to previous years, the event will take place in John’s Pass Village & Boardwalk over 4 days. The City is currently taking applications for vendors by visiting the John’s Pass Seafood Festival page: HERE. For more information please contact the … Continued

Sandbags- When to reuse and when to dispose

WHEN TO REUSE:  Any sandbags which did not come into contact with floodwaters can be safely reused or stored. We do recommend keeping any sandbags that did not come in contact with flood waters as we are not out of hurricane season yet and it will save you a trip for the next storm that approaches. HOW TO STORE SANDBAGS: … Continued

Post Storm Damage Guide

Post-Storm Guidance Before you begin cleaning up after the storm make sure to document the damage and apply for building permits with the city. Building and demo permits due to flood damage will be free of charge for 30 days after the storm.  Bring yard and storm debris to the side of the street for … Continued

7/7 Tropical Storm Elsa- City Manager Update

Friends, Residents, and Tourists, At this writing, Elsa still has not made landfall north of us, but she continues to raise havoc. It seems the timing of the bands of wind gusts and high tides were to our advantage, and we had minimal flooding potential. Our damage assessment teams will be out early this morning. … Continued

Tropical Storm Elsa- 3PM Update from City Manager

Take action now! Friends, Residents, and Tourists, At this writing, the sandbag station at Archibald Park has closed and no sandbags remain. Our staff, volunteers, and Mayor Hendricks and Commissioner Hutson has all worked hard the last three days. Also, thanks to Frabotta’s Beach Kitchen, who supplied are hardworking crews with pizza. Neighbors helping neighbors. … Continued

7/6 Updated Tropical Storm Elsa Update from the City Manager

ACT ON YOUR PLAN-NOW!!!!   Friends, Residents, and Tourists, Do not panic, but now is the time to implement your plan. This storm is taking a similar path to Eta as it approaches us and makes landfall to our North. It will be close to our shore tonight and through the morning hours Wednesday. The … Continued

Sand Bags with Sand Available at Archibald

*All Sand Bags are now at Archibald Park* Sand is now available long with bags at Archibald Park. Due to demand the sand is going quickly. We will continue to rake and create a pile as long as we have bags available. Please be patient with the staff as they are getting the sand out … Continued

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