Category: City News

Proposed Florida Senate & House Bills Effecting Madeira Beach

Message from the City Manager: There are several items that are proposed to be changes or have recently changed that can effect how the City runs day to day business. Please see below for an explanation of the changes and how you can help make your voice heard regarding the changes. Short Term Rentals: This … Continued

City Manager’s Report February 2021

CITY MANAGER February was a busy month for Madeira Beach. We are seeing several projects in the final stages and others starting. The first is the Crystal Island Roadway Improvement project which is entering the final stages of the last layer of pavement being ready for application and the touch-up and restoration work moving forward. … Continued

2-24-21 BOC Workshop Meeting Notes

Notes form the City Manager   Disclaimer: The official minutes of the meeting will be written by the City Clerk and attached to the agenda of the next regular BOC meeting. These notes are based on what is said in the meeting and you may want to read all the attachments in the agenda and … Continued

SBA Disaster Loan Webinar Hosted by Pinellas County

Pinellas County Office of Emergency Management hosts Webinar with SBA on Disaster Assistance Information for Tropical Storm Eta Businesses and residents in Pinellas County who were affected by Tropical Storm Eta have until March 29, 2021 to apply for low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). To help with this process, Pinellas … Continued

City Manager’s Report- January 2021

CITY MANAGER We are now in 2021 and we look forward to a successful new year. During January, we saw progress made on vaccine distribution for the COVID-19 injections, but the supply line has not kept up to demand. Our City is stressing to our state and national leaders that vaccine availability and injection sites … Continued

Cancelled- Breakfast with Bob 1/28

We will not be hosting Breakfast with Bob Thursday, January 28th. We hope to resume the program February 25th pending on the COVID-19 positivity rate.

New COVID-19 Registration Process Announced for Pinellas County

New COVID-19 Registration Process Announced for Pinellas County To expedite the COVID-19 vaccination process, the Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County and Pinellas County Government have partnered to create a new, more robust registration system to manage appointments. Please visit to create an account. Once you have registered, you can login to schedule … Continued

Florida Health Pinellas County COVID-19 Vaccination Site

Florida Health Pinellas County has rolled out a website to keep you up to to date on the process of registering for the COVID-19 Vaccine. At this time registration is closed to make appointments but please bookmark this page as it is the best source of information on when Pinellas County will be getting more … Continued

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