Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement/Community Policing

Contact Code Enforcement: 727-391-9951 x 295

The City of Madeira Beach Code Enforcement Department is composed of its Community Policing deputies, contracted from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. The deputies perform a variety of field and office work in support of the City’s local code enforcement program. They enforce compliance with the City regulations and ordinances including those pertaining to, chronic nuisance properties, short term rentals, health and safety, graffiti, and other matters of public concern. They also collect evidence and supporting documents for Special Magistrate Hearings on Code Enforcement Violations.

Agendas for Special Magistrate – Code Enforcement Hearings can be found below.


Common Violations

42-32 “Leave No Trace”: Any unattended tent or property left on the Public Beach at night shall be deemed discarded by the owners and become the property of the City of Madeira Beach and may be removed and disposed of by the appropriate authority. All holes on the beach are to be filled in the same day they are created.

14-68 Grass / Landscape: Private property and rights-of-way shall be maintained with a herbaceous layer of sod, a ground cover material or organic mulch. Sod shall be maintained at a maximum overall height of six inches or less; other ground cover material shall be maintained at an overall height not to exceed 12 inches.

10-5 Animals on Public Beaches: It shall be unlawful for any dog, cat, other animal or reptile allowed by this chapter, whether running at large, on a leash, or being carried, to be on any public beach within the city.

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