Madeira Beach Zoning Map PDF and Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map PDF

Madeira Beach Zoning and Future Land Use Interactive Map

Zoning Definitions

  • P-SP:
    • Public/Semi Public Development
  • PD
    • Planned Development
  •  C-1:
    • The C-1, tourist commercial district provides for various tourist and commercial facilities of medium intensity which conveniently supply the needs of the neighborhood as well as the city. The C-1, tourist commercial district correlates with the commercial general (CG) category of the City of Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan. Services are rendered and commodities are sold which are needed daily and purchased at frequent intervals. The purpose of this district is to recognize the unique commercial, marine, tourist and historic value of this area. It is the intent of the comprehensive land use plan to retain the nautical theme and important character of the waterfront area and of John's Pass Village.
  • C-2:
    • The purpose of the C-2, John's Pass marine commercial district is to recognize the unique commercial, marine, tourist and historic value of this area. The C-2, John's Pass marine commercial district correlates with the commercial general (CG) category of the City of Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan. It is the intent of the comprehensive land use plan to retain the nautical theme and important character of the waterfront area and of John's Pass Village.
  • C-3:
    • The C-3, retail commercial district provides service to both permanent and transient residents where a full range of urban services and a high degree of accessibility is required. The C-3, retail commercial district correlates with the commercial general (CG) category and the residential office retail (R/O/R) category of the City of Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan.
  • C-4:
    • The purpose of the C-4, marine commercial district is to provide for those commercial uses which are directly related to commercial and marine uses and associated services. The C-4, marine commercial district correlates with the commercial general (CG) category of the City of Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan
  • R-3:
    • The R-3, medium density multifamily residential district provides for medium density development for both permanent and tourist residential facilities at locations where public facilities are adequate to support such intensity. The R-3, medium density multifamily residential district correlates with the resort facilities medium (RFM) category of the City of Madeira Beach Comprehensive Plan.
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