Public Works- Florida City Government Week

Posted on October 17, 2022

This week we are celebrating Florida City Government Week with the Florida League of Cities!

They say it takes a village and it certainly does with City Staff as well as residents and business owners.


Boat Removal 2Public Works is responsible for the administrative support for the development, operation, maintenance, inspection, design, and engineering of streets, beaches, parks, drainage systems and garbage disposal. Field personnel in various departments managed by Public Works administrative staff are responsible for the construction, maintenance, and repair of streets, sidewalks, docks, and signs. The activities of the department are intended to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community.

Something you may not know is that during an emergency, like hurricanes, Public Works is one of the last departments to leave the city and one of the first to re-enter the city. You will see this department on the beach taking off the trash cans, in the neighborhoods making sure we do one last sweep on garbage pick ups, as well as at the sand bag station from open to close making sure all our residents get what they need! After the storm they are right back to work clearing the roads of debris so we can get residents back on the island as soon as possible.

The Public Works Department is a well oiled machine and are always there when needed! Thank you Public Works!

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