Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is established by City Charter, Section 5.7 and consists of five citizen members who are electors of the City. Members are appointed by the Board of Commissioners for a term of three (3) years.

Duties and Responsibilities

The primary functions include serving as the employee grievance hearing board and preparing personnel rules for adoption by the Board of Commissioners. The rules include, but not limited to:

  • A pay plan for all classified City positions; methods for determining the merits and fitness of candidates for appointment or promotions;
  • Policies and procedures regulating reduction in force, demotion, suspension and removal of employees;
  • The hours of work, attendance regulation and provisions for sick and vacation leave;
  • Grievance procedures, including procedures for the hearing of grievances by the Civil Service Commission, which may render advisory opinions based on its findings to the City Manager with a copy to the aggrieved employee. In this respect the Civil Service Commission shall have the power to issue subpoenas to compel attendance by witnesses and to administer oaths;
  • Other practices and procedures necessary to the administration of the City personnel system;
  • In connection with the aforementioned personnel rules, the Civil Service Commission shall inquire into the implementation of such personnel rules as considered necessary to ensure compliance therewith.

Experience and Qualifications

Whenever possible, appointments are made on experience and qualifications in Human Resources.

Interested in serving your community?

Submit an Advisory Board application today!

Applications may be downloaded by clicking the "Application for Appointment to Advisory Board" Link below or obtained from the City Clerk by email or at City Hall.

Submit completed and signed applications may be mailed, delivered in person, or emailed to the City Clerk:

City Clerk
City of Madeira Beach
300 Municipal Drive
Madeira Beach, FL 33708
727-391-9951, ext. 231 or 232 - Cell: 727-401-1792

Additional Information

Contact the City Clerk.

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