Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is established by City Charter, Section 12.2 and consists of seven (7) members who are electors of the City. Members are appointed by the Board of Commissioners for a term of three (3) years. Members of the City Planning Commission shall hold no other City office or City employment.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Planning Commission may make recommendations to the City Manager and the Board of Commissioners on all matters affecting the physical development of the City, shall be consulted on the comprehensive plan and the implementation thereof and shall exercise all other responsibilities as may be provided by law or may be assigned to them by the Board of Commissioners from time to time.

The Planning Commission shall consider all requests for amendments to the comprehensive plan, the land use plan map, amendments to the land development regulations and the official zoning map and other matters as may be specifically requested by the Board of Commissioners to be studied by the commission. The Planning Commission shall serve as the city's local planning agency and land development regulations commission as provided for in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes.

Experience and Qualifications

Whenever possible, appointments will be made, consistent with the Charter, Sec. 12.2 and based on demonstrated experience and qualifications in the subject matter from one or more of the following areas (City Code, Sec. 2-77):

  • Architecture or landscape architecture
  • Civil engineering
  • Real estate sales or land development
  • Natural or environmental sciences
  • Urban planning

Meeting Schedule

Regular meetings are held monthly on the first Monday at 6:00 p.m. Date and time of meeting is subject to change. Special Meetings and Workshop Meetings are held when needed.

Form 1 - Statement of Financial Interests

Planning Commission members are responsible for filing an annual Form 1, Statement of Financial Interests with the Florida Commission on Ethics. Penalties apply if not filed on time. Forms and Information is located on the Florida Commission on Ethics website. Forms - Ethics (

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Download, fill out and return an Advisory Board Application today!

Applications may be downloaded by clicking the "Advisory Board Application" Link below or obtained from the City Clerk by email or at City Hall.

Submit completed and signed applications may be mailed, delivered in person, or emailed to the City Clerk:

City Clerk
City of Madeira Beach
300 Municipal Drive
Madeira Beach, FL 33708
727-391-9951, ext. 231 or 232 - Cell: 727-401-1792

Additional Information

Contact the City Clerk.

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