Restrooms/Showers/Laundry: Facilities available until Dec. 15th
- Hours: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Locations:
- Shower/Laundry:
- Winn Dixie Parking Lot- 15200 Municipal Dr.
- Restrooms:
- City Hall (from 10am to pm)- 300 Municipal Dr.
- Rules:
- One Washer/Dryer per household
- Bring Supplies, only water provided
- Supplies can be found at City Hall (300 Municipal Dr.)
- Shower/Laundry:
Upcoming Open Permitting Hours:
Get in person assistance with demo permits during the times below.
Need an appointment? Call us- 727-391-9951 x244.
- Location: City Hall Commission Chamber, 2nd floor- 300 Municipal Dr.
- Time: 11:00am to 3:30pm
- Dates:
- Mon, Dec. 2nd & Wed, Dec. 4th
- Sat, Dec. 7th: 10:00am to 1:00pm
- Mon, Dec. 9th & Wed, Dec. 11th
- Mon, Dec. 16th & Wed. Dec. 18th
- Sat. Dec. 21st: 10:00am to 1:00pm
- Mon, Dec. 23rd
- Mon, Dec. 30th